ISO 5660.1
Sustainable and Interior Textiles
Instyle’s collection includes sophisticated and high quality textiles and vinyls for interior and outdoor applications. Designed by Instyle’s Design Studio, the comprehensive collection includes sustainable, high performance, healthcare and outdoor textiles and vinyls available in a wide range of plains, textures and patterns.
Atelier - Luxury Upholstery Textile 41 colourways
Atelier - Luxury
Atelier - Minx Upholstery Textile 41 colourways
Atelier - Minx
Atelier - Whimsy Upholstery Textile 41 colourways
Atelier - Whimsy
Atelier - Tawny Upholstery Textile 41 colourways
Atelier - Tawny
Atelier - Ultra Upholstery Textile 41 colourways
Atelier - Ultra
Calibre - Class LIFE Textile 37 colourways
Calibre - Class
Calibre - Principle LIFE Textile 37 colourways
Calibre - Principle
Calibre - Forte LIFE Textile 37 colourways
Calibre - Forte
Classic - Novel LIFE Textile 26 colourways
Classic - Novel
Classic - Genius LIFE Textile 26 colourways
Classic - Genius
Classic - Fashion LIFE Textile 26 colourways
Classic - Fashion
Coast - Castaway Crypton Textile 18 colourways
Coast - Castaway
Coast - Guard Crypton Textile 18 colourways
Coast - Guard
Cocoon - Fawn LIFE Textile 14 colourways
Cocoon - Fawn
Cocoon - Dapple LIFE Textile 14 colourways
Cocoon - Dapple
Esprit - Intuition LIFE Textile 13 colourways
Esprit - Intuition
Feel - Alive LIFE Textile 42 colourways
Feel - Alive
Feel - Grounded LIFE Textile 42 colourways
Feel - Grounded
Feel - Unique LIFE Textile 42 colourways
Feel - Unique
Feel - Satisfied LIFE Textile 42 colourways
Feel - Satisfied
Feel - Positive LIFE Textile 42 colourways
Feel - Positive
Guild - Urban Upholstery Textile 3 colourways
Guild - Urban
Haven - Kindred High Performance Textile 21 colourways
Haven - Kindred
Haven - Nest High Performance Textile 21 colourways
Haven - Nest
Herringbone - Weaver LIFE Textile 15 colourways
Herringbone - Weaver
Kindred - Thoughts LIFE Textile 22 colourways
Kindred - Thoughts
Kindred - Belief LIFE Textile 22 colourways
Kindred - Belief
Kindred - Mind LIFE Textile 22 colourways
Kindred - Mind
Mix - Harvest LIFE Textile 19 colourways
Mix - Harvest
Mix - Taupe LIFE Textile 19 colourways
Mix - Taupe
Mix - Lava LIFE Textile 19 colourways
Mix - Lava
Muse - Sable LIFE Textile 17 colourways
Muse - Sable
Native - Imagery LIFE Textile 20 colourways
Native - Imagery
Nurture - Mettle High Performance Textile 21 colourways
Nurture - Mettle
Nurture - Optimism High Performance Textile 21 colourways
Nurture - Optimism
Pinnacle - Achievement Upholstery Textile 18 colourways
Pinnacle - Achievement
Solstice - Aria High Performance Textile 25 colourways
Solstice - Aria
Solstice - Mesa High Performance Textile 25 colourways
Solstice - Mesa
Solstice - Abode High Performance Textile 25 colourways
Solstice - Abode
Source - Answers LIFE Textile 46 colourways
Source - Answers
Source - Create LIFE Textile 46 colourways
Source - Create
Source - Nourish LIFE Textile 46 colourways
Source - Nourish
Tailor - Bespoke LIFE Textile 12 colourways
Tailor - Bespoke
Tailor - Suit LIFE Textile 12 colourways
Tailor - Suit
Tonic - And Gin LIFE Textile 27 colourways
Tonic - And Gin
Tonic - Sound LIFE Textile 27 colourways
Tonic - Sound
Tonic - Welcome LIFE Textile 27 colourways
Tonic - Welcome
Urban - Existence High Performance Textile 25 colourways
Urban - Existence
Urban - Legend High Performance Textile 25 colourways
Urban - Legend
Zen - Chord Upholstery Textile 25 colourways
Zen - Chord
Zen - Bristle Upholstery Textile 25 colourways
Zen - Bristle
Zen - Raku Upholstery Textile 25 colourways
Zen - Raku
Zoom - Fawn Upholstery Textile 8 colourways